Are you interested in improving the quality of child care in Iowa? The Child Care Collaborative of Iowa is seeking a full-time, telecommute Financial Management Consultant.

Are you interested in improving the quality of child care in Iowa? The Child Care Collaborative of Iowa is seeking a full-time, telecommute Financial Management Consultant.

Full Time • Remsen
The ideal consultant is a uniquely qualified individual who will provide technical support and long-term financial sustainability to center and home-based child care businesses in Northeast Iowa.
• Bachelor or Master’s degree in Early Childhood Education, program administration, or related field.
• At least five (5) years’ experience to include:
o Working in an early childhood education setting with responsibilities for administration and fiscal management.
o Working with child care management systems and other business automation solutions.
• Verbal and written communication skills preferred in English and Spanish.
• Travel is required.
• Reliable transportation, proof of insurance and a valid driver's license.
For more information & to apply online, please visit 1-800-859-2025. An Equal Opportunity Employer.
Contact for more info: -2025

Ad ID: 207535

Post Date: June 18, 2024

Expire Date: July 6, 2024

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